Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Suns open practice

Bryce decided to buy Suns season tickets this year as an investment (meaning we'll sell most of them and hopefully make a good profit). Last night on our way home from our "vacation" we stopped in Phoenix for the Suns open practice. Because we are season ticket holders, we got reserved seating on the floor for the practice....we were in the second row from the court. The kids loved seeing the Suns gorilla and he came by to give them fives. There was such fun entertainment, Logan was going crazy.

As you can see, we got a real close-up look at the players in person....we have to admit we were a little star-struck as we are major Suns fans. Bryce was in heaven. We sort of felt out of our league because we don't really fit the season ticket holders mold. There was a meeting before the practice on being a season ticket holder and there were all sorts of fancy looking people there. I had to go to the bathroom and a worker from that meeting escorted me there personally to make sure I could find it ok (I just expected him to point the way and tell me good luck). It felt funny being treated so well. It was a fun night, and hopefully something we'll do as a family tradition each year. Go Suns!!!

Fall Break

This week is fall break for Logan, so we decided to go to Nanny and Papa's house for "vacation." I put vacation in quotes because, for me a vacation would be without my kids, right? A vacation away from my job. Oh well. It was nice to have a change of scenery anyway. Nanny and Papa have a mile-long tub from the 70's, so we decided to throw all three kids in together. Even though Logan is a little big for that, they all had such a blast splashing and laughing. Thanks to Nanny and Papa for hosting our family vacation. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We still love his chubbies

I just love the many faces Landon can make with his chubbies. I'll be sad when they thin out and we can't play with them anymore. He looks like a baby kitten in the one. Silly Landon.

Princess Leah and Luke Skywalker

Logan loves to have light saber battles, and would have them all day if he could find someone willing to play along. Anytime the battle starts, Marlee comes up whining to play along. So we give her a light saber and she's so happy. She even moves it side to side like she's fighting too. It's very cute.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hide-and-seek Marlee

Sometimes Marlee will "go missing" for a few minutes and I have to wonder why it's so quiet. Recently I've found it's best to look first in the bathroom. She goes in, usually in the dark, and sits on this little stool and plays with the bath supplies. Thankfully she can't open the lids by herself yet, but I'm sure that's coming soon. We'll have to put the safetly latches on asap, darn it. She's so cute when she's sitting there in the dark, and gets this cute look on her face when I find her, like "look what I discovered, and you caught me!"

Love you, BYE!

Every time either Bryce or I leave in the car to go anywhere, these three line up on the couch to sign "I love you" then wave "bye bye." If we drive off without signing "love you, bye" back to them, they fall apart and cry forever....."call him, make him come back, I wanted to say love you bye bye....please call him, make him come back!" Needless to say, we don't usually forget to sign and wave. :) We don't want to invoke the belly-achin' on the other spouse stuck at home. :)

Lightning McQueen

Logan always picks out tomatoes from his dinner because "they're gross"---the other day he picked this one out. After he finished the rest of his food, he was looking intently at this tomato. He said "hey guys, this tomato looks like Lightning McQueen!" Sure enough, it does look like the profile of the "Cars" star. :) The basil even happened to be in the right place for the tire. We thought it was pretty funny.