So the kids were invited to a b-day party for Reiann and they got ahold of the pinata after it was broken open. They had the funnest time. Those Sherwoods sure know how to party!
Marlee has rediscovered her girly sunglasses and thought it would be fun to wear them during lunch. Cute little goober.
The boys love to hold their baby brother. They are actually pretty good about sanitizing before they even ask to hold him. They love to "play" with Masen (meaning they squeeze his face and talk to him like he understands their jokes). I think they want to keep him. :)
You can tell he's SO comfortable when they hold him. :)
And Logan lost his first tooth! Unfortunately, he lost it during lunch and the school gave him a lame necklace that didn't stay closed and the tooth fell out and got lost. But don't worry, he put the necklace under his pillow so the tooth fairy would know that he lost his tooth. :) Logan was thrilled to find money under his pillow!
Things are good in the McBride home. Masen is actually a REALLY good baby. Except for about 5 nights of waking up twice, he only gets up once a night to eat...and some of those nights I've had to wake HIM up! Thankfully he's not really colicky...just a little gassy...which makes him a little cranky. But otherwise he's been an ideal baby. Super mellow. We love our new little addition (and our old ones too). :)
ps: Masen went in for his one month checkup today (monday). He was 11 lbs 3 oz (or 9oz, I can't remember!). And was 23 inches long. He's a good growing boy, already gained at least two pounds. He's our little chubby bubby!
Funny Primary Moment: Landon raises his hand during our lesson on Repentance and shares randomly that Mason's wee-wee got cut and it hurts so to be careful if we hold him. :) You've got to love kids!!!
A fun birthday party, pretty sunglasses, a lost tooth, and a happy baby brother. Couldn't ask for more!! Masen better not eat for the next two weeks or his blessing outfit won't fit!!!! haha
Hugs to each of you!!
I love the pictures of your boys holding the baby! He's a beautiful baby, Nettie!
Those are such great pictures of your kids! I love your pictures of little Masen. How cute is he?! Congrats again!
Looks like all is going well at the McBride house. What a sweet new addition to your family! Congratulations! I love the bonding that your boys are doing.
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