Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Answered prayer

So this is pretty cool. Our washer kicked the bucket and we found some on craigslist but none of them worked out, for various reasons. So I went on Home Depot's website last night to order a new washer. It was going to be pretty darn expensive....so while I ordered I prayed saying, Ok Heavenly Father, if we aren't supposed to get this washer (which wouldn't be delivered for another week), please let something better come along that's a better deal before the new washer gets here. Lo and behold, our home teacher's wife (who is also my friend) wrote me a note on facebook today saying they got a different washer and are selling their old one (that's only a little more than a year old), and selling it for very cheap. It has what I'm wanting in a washer too...lots of room, and is a good brand. I didn't tell Lonni this yet, but this is totally an answer to a specific prayer! I just feel so blessed and so grateful that Heavenly Father is aware of our needs, even in the little things in life, and am grateful for His tender mercies in caring for us and answering our prayers. Cool huh?


NamaMcB said...

Very VERY cool!!!!

Jen said...

that is soooo neat! i am soo glad that worked out for you!

Brooke Colvin said...

You must be living right. That is a great story and example of faithful prayers being answered. Thank you for sharing.

Julie said...

YAY! :) The Lord is always ready to bless us -- sometimes we just have to ask!

Erin said...

What a great story! I love to hear about answered prayers.